Author workshop on tax-benefit systems and crisis

6-8 June 2022, online

Author workshop on tax-benefit systems and crisis

Mon, 6 June 2022Wed, 8 June 2022

This workshop brings together authors that were selected to produce research on social protection and taxation in times of crises, for a book project on the topic. In this workshop the authors discuss the first drafts of the research papers. The workshop takes place online.

Following the Request for research proposals, 12 proposals were selected. At this workshop, each researcher or group of researchers has the opportunity to present the first draft of their work to the organizing team at UNU-WIDER and to each other.

This initiative is part of the SOUTHMOD project. SOUTHMOD is part of UNU-WIDER's research and capacity development programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (Norad).