
Theme: Transformation
This conference, part of the Inclusive growth in Mozambique project carried out with partners, will bring together government representatives, policy advisors, and development practitioners to discuss the latest results on, as well as methodologies to study, poverty and inequality in the country.
With both local and international speakers, the conference will promote more in-depth analyses of issues ranging from multidimensional poverty to agricultural investment as well as gender equality in the Mozambican context. The overarching aim is to inform innovative policies for more inclusive growth in the country.
The conference will take place on 27 November 2017 at Hotel Avenida in Maputo. Participants are also welcome to take part in the related Public policy forum on the challenges of inequality in Mozambique on 28 November 2017 at the Complexo Pedagógico of Eduardo Mondlane University.
08:30-9:00 | Registration |
09:00-9:45 |
Welcome and Opening Emílio Tostão, Scientific Director of the Eduardo Mondlane University Representative of the Ministry of Economics and Finance Laura Torvinen, Finnish Ambassador Finn Tarp, Director of UNU-WIDER |
09:45-10:00 | Coffee |
10:00-12:00 |
Plenary session 1: Poverty and Inequalities Chair: Jakko Jakkila Carlos Gradín and Finn Tarp Investigating inequality in Mozambique Servass van der Berg and Carlos da Maia Educational inequality in Mozambique Conchita D´Ambrosio and Andrew Clark Living conditions and wellbeing: evidence from African countries Válerie Berenger Levels and trends in multidimensional poverty in some Southern and Eastern African countries using counting based approaches |
12:00- 13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-15:00 |
Plenary session 2: Gender and children, in collaboration with UNICEF-Mozambique Chair: António Cruz Carlos Gradín and Finn Tarp Gender inequality in employment in Mozambique Jacques Silber and Joseph Deutsch On women’s empowerment and child health: the case of Mozambique Andrea Rossi and Vincenzo Salvucci Multidimensional poverty of children in Mozambique: determinants of key components Cecilia Navarra Contracts between smallholders and private firms in rural Mozambique: implications on gender inequalities |
15:00-15:15 | Coffee |
15:15-16:45 |
Parallel sessions A. Labour and Land Chair: Faizal Carsane Yonesse Paris Os Determinantes da Participação da Mulher na Força de Trabalho em Moçambique, 2014/15 Félix Mambo Procura por Educação Primária em Moçambique Gimelgo Xirinda Impacto da Posse da Terra no Investimento Agrícola: O Caso de Moçambique Matias Farahane O Papel da Terra na Agricultura Camponesa Moçambicana B. Poverty Chair: Representative of the Directorate of Economic and Financial Studies Finório Castigo Estimativas e Perfil da Pobreza em Moçambique: Uma Analise Baseada no Inquérito sobre Orçamento Familiar - IOF 2014/15 Edson Mazive Crescimento pró-pobre em Moçambique: Evidências a nível dos sectores de actividade económica, 2008/9- 2014/15 Maimuna Ibraimo Os Determinantes da Pobreza em Moçambique, 2014/15 Félix Mambo, Yonesse Paris, Vincenzo Salvucci e Ricardo Santos Efeito da crise de 2015-16 sobre consumo real e pobreza dos agregados familiares em Moçambique |
16:45-17:00 |
Closing remarks Carlos Gradín |