Conference: Institutional Reforms for Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability

UNU-WIDER International Development Conference in collaboration with the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM)

UNU-WIDER International Development Conference in collaboration with the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM): Institutional Reforms for Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability

Sun, 29 June 2014Mon, 30 June 2014

Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and environmental sustainability are core 21st century development challenges in both low- and middle-income countries. Every country has its own institutional history with an evolving balance between the state and the market over time. Regardless of the basic conception of the role of the state in the development process, countries must constantly push institutional reforms as they move from low- to middle- to high-income status. While each country is unique in its development path, countries—and the development community at large—can benefit greatly by sharing experiences of reform and development in order to avoid pitfalls and identify opportunities for future success. This conference aims to identify what works, what could work, what is scalable, and what is transferable in institutional reform.