The billionaire tax – a (modest) proposal for the 21st century

As recent projections warn that we’re off-track to reduce inequality for the 2030 deadline of the Sustainable Development Goals, the pressing need for equitable tax systems takes center stage at the 28th WIDER Annual Lecture on 4 September 2024. Esteemed economist Gabriel Zucman examines how disparities of current tax structures guarantee this inequality is persistent due to advantages enjoyed by the ultra-wealthy.

luxurious meal versus poor meal
Uganda TIN registration form, calculator, currency, pen. Image: Kalungi Kabuye / UNU-WIDER

WIDER Seminar Series

The WIDER Seminar Series has returned! Beginning in March, join either online or in person for the 2024 season of this exciting event series to hear the latest research in development.

11 past and upcoming events

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Results meeting
Microsimulation of agricultural policies in Zambia
Thu, 25 November 2021
Online, Zambia
Past event
Results meeting
Mozambique Institutional Diagnostic study — presentation of draft report

On 4 November 2020, the Economic Development & Institutions research programme and the Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme held a public forum in Maputo to present the draft report of the Mozambique Institutional Diagnostic study.

Wed, 4 November 2020
Polona Serena Hotel , Av. Julius Nyerere  , Maputo, Mozambique
Past event
Results meeting
Towards an inclusive economy — How do we support job creation and reduce inequalities in South Africa?
Thu, 31 January 2019
The Sheraton Pretoria Hotel, 643 Corner, Stanza Bopape St, Arcadia, Pretoria, South Africa
Past event
Results meeting
Transformation for growth, employment and poverty reduction

This event, held in partnership with with REPOA, closes out our project on Jobs, poverty and structural change in Africa. The conference builds on the research from the collaborative project between REPOA and UNU-WIDER intended to examine challenges...

Mon, 28 November 2016
Hyatt Hotel, 24 Kivukoni Rd, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Past event
Results meeting
Aid for Gender Equality

In recent decades, aid donors have recognised that gender equality and women’s empowerment are central to improving living standards, well-being, and economic growth. This insight has led to a fourfold increase in the flows of foreign aid toward...

Mon, 16 December 2013
Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Copenhagen, Denmark
Past event
Results meeting
Challenges in Fragility and Governance

Since the mid-1990s foreign aid has become increasingly concerned with fragility and governance. Given the acknowledgement of the role of the state in providing the conditions for peace, progress and prosperity, foreign aid has concentrated much...

Wed, 23 October 2013
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Charlottehaven, 10 Hjørringgade, 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
Past event
Results meeting
Aid and our changing environment

Development aid funds have in recent years shifted focus significantly towards climate change; but massive challenges are yet to be overcome in how we allocate and design aid initiatives in an effective manner to effectively address the continuing...

Tue, 4 June 2013
Sida, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden
Past event
Results meeting
Aid and the Social Sectors

See working papers and policy briefs presented at our ReCom results meeting on aid and social sectors in Stockholm 13 March, 2013. Here you can also find videos from the day as well as a summary of what was said.

Wed, 13 March 2013
Sida, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden
Past event
Results meeting
Jobs – Aid at work
Mon, 8 October 2012
The Black Diamond, Queen's Hall, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Copenhagen, Denmark
Past event
Results meeting
ReCom: Democracy & Fragility

ReCom - Research and Communication on Foreign Aid programme was launched in early 2011 by the Danish International Development Agency (Danida) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). Key partners of this initiative include the United...

Thu, 10 May 2012
Sida, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden
Past event
Results meeting
First Results Meeting: Aid, Growth and Macroeconomic Management

The ReCom—Research and Communication on Foreign Aid programme held its first results meeting on the topic of ‘Aid, Growth and Macroeconomic Management’ at the University of Copenhagen on 27 January 2012. Implemented by UNU-WIDER and funded by the...

Fri, 27 January 2012
Chr. Hansen Auditoriet, Øster Farimagsgade 5, DK-1353, Copenhagen, Denmark
Past event
Displaying 11 of 11 results