SA-TIED programme is a programme intended to support policymaking in the Southern Africa region by working closely with researchers to close knowledge gaps crucial to the achievement of inclusive growth and economic transformation. Through SA-TIED, researchers have access to the comprehensive anonymised tax data made available by the National Treasury of South Africa and supported by United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and many other governmental organisations in South Africa and its sub-region. SA-TIED research is intended to inform policymakers and help deliver frontier solutions to the region’s economic and development problems.

SA-TIED programme looks at ways to support policy-making for inclusive growth and economic transformation in the southern Africa region, through original research conceived and produced in collaboration between United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), National Treasury, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and many other governmental and research organizations in South Africa and its sub-region. A key aspect of the programme is to encourage networking and discussion amongst people involved in policy processes across the participating organizations and civil society aiming to bridge the gap between research and policy-making.


Main subject

Theme: 2014-18, Transformation