WIDER Seminar Series

© UNU-WIDERThe WIDER Seminar Series showcases the latest research on key topics in development economics. It provides a forum for for visiting scholars, UNU-WIDER researchers, external researchers, policymakers and industry specialists to present their research.

In addition to providing a forum for both academic debate and training, the series presents an opportunity for policymakers and others interested in development to learn about the latest research methods and findings.

© UNU-WIDERThe WIDER Seminar Series events take place on Wednesdays. All those interested are invited to register and attend via Zoom or in person. 


The WIDER Seminar Series takes place Wednesdays 15:00–16:00. From the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, the time is Helsinki time (UTC+3) due to daylight saving time. Outside of this period, it is Helsinki time (UTC+2). The event is held via Zoom. Register for specific events to receive a link to the Zoom for the seminar.


29 November Nadine Riedel
How effective are countermeasures against multinational tax avoidance – new evidence from South Africa
15 November Gabriela Zapata Román
The motherhood effect on women's labour trajectories: Preliminary results
25 October Stefan Leeffers
It will rain: the effect of information on flood preparedness in urban Mozambique
19 October
*This is a Thursday.
Iván Torre
Educational mobility in Europe and Central Asia
20 September Paulo Santos
Paddy and prejudice: evidence on the agricultural origins of prejudice from China and 12 other Asian societies
13 September Saumik Paul
Construction productivity and relative prosperity
14 June Sefa Kwami Awaworyi Churchill
Temperature, climate change and household financial behaviour: evidence from Vietnam

Michael Palmer
Can information improve the uptake of disability benefits? Experimental evidence from Vietnam
08 June Yusi Ouyang
Fighting poverty to promote growth
07 June William Ferguson
A theory of triadic power with applications to leadership, collective action, and institutional evolution
31 May Yselle Flora Malah Kuete
Does structural change benefit women? Firm-level evidence from the services sector in Cameroon
24 May Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
Incentivizing customers to increase VAT compliance: Evidence from Tanzania
10 May Sonia Bhalotra
Job displacement, unemployment benefits and domestic violence
12 April Hector Gutierrez Rufrancos
The unequal effect of pollution exposure on labour supply across gender
29 March Quentin Stoeffler
Economic opportunities, education and child labor: the effects of artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso
15 March line Zipfel​
A mother’s voice: Impacts of spousal communication training on child health investments
01 March Henrique Pita Barros
The power of dialogue: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
08 February Marinella Leone
What drives parental investments in early childhood? Experimental evidence from a video intervention in Rwanda

14 December Andreas de Barros
Large-scale efforts to improve teaching and child learning: Experimental evidence from India
07 December Sandra Sequeira
The economics of displacement: Evidence from Mozambique
30 November Xiaobing Wang
Towards common prosperity in China
23 November Eleonora Nillesen
Breaking down menstrual barriers in Bangladesh: Cluster RCT evidence on school attendance and psychosocial outcomes of adolescent girls
16 November Albert Kwame Osei-Owusu
Assessing Africa’s position and prospects in global dematerialization
02 November Ciprian Domnisoru
The impact of female teachers on female students' lifetime well-being
26 October Giulia Mascagni
Tax compliance in Rwanda: Evidence from two large scale field experiments
25 October
*This event will occur on a Tuesday.
Arjan Verschoor
Boosting recycling behaviour among urban households in Peru: a field experiment on the role of social norms and beliefs
12 October Gindo Tampubolon
Social injustice under climate shocks to persons with disability
21 September Christine Valente
Subjective expectations and demand for contraception
20 September
*This event will occur on a Tuesday.
Nauro Ferreira Campos
The Political U: New evidence on democracy and income
07 September Gabriela Zapata
The role of the family of origin in shaping inequality of opportunity in Chile (period 2006-2017)
31 August Vanessa Carrión-Yaguana
Labor regulations and formal employment: Evidence from Ecuadorian firms in the Galapagos Islands
24 August Arnab K. Basu
Differential health reporting error amongst older adults in India
17 August Nancy Chau
On the push and pull forces of migrant border crossing: The role of family networks
22 June Miri Stryjan
Loan repayment flexibility and firm profits: Experimental evidence from Uganda
17 June | 16:00-17:00
*This event will occur on a Friday.
Leonard Wantchekon
Externalities of colonial schools and social mobility: Evidence from Africa
08 June Jari Eloranta
Beyond guns and butter: Finnish Central Government spending patterns in the 20th Century
11 May Mark Gradstein
Soft skills, parenting styles, and persistent income inequality
04 May Saher Asad
Impact of improving communication networks on women’s entrepreneurship and empowerment: Evidence from randomized experiment in Pakistan
27 April Jacqueline Mosomi
Working from home and physical proximity during COVID-19 lockdowns: implications for gender inequality in the South African labour market
20 April Pablo Warnes
Transport infrastructure improvements and spatial sorting: evidence from Buenos Aires
06 April Macartan Humphreys
Three facets of political inequality: evidence from consultative processes in Kampala
30 March Tilman Brück
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individual behaviour and welfare
23 March
Michele di Maio
Firms amid conflict: performance, production inputs, and market competition
09 March Gaaitzen de Vries
Industrialization in developing countries: is it related to poverty reduction?
02 March Matti Mitrunen
Famine, inequality, and conflict

24 November Petros Sekeris
A Theoretical Foundation of the Modernization Hypothesis
17 November Alexander Pick, OECD Development Centre
From protest to progress? Why addressing global discontent is essential to building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic
9 November Filipe R. Campante, Johns Hopkins University 
The political economy consequences of China’s export slowdown
27 October Claudio Ferraz, Vancouver School of Economics
agrarian elites, education, and long-term development
20 October Omar McDoom, London School of Economics
Re-visiting the Rwandan Genocide: New Book Presentation
13 October Jann Lay, GIGA German Institute for Global and Area Studies
Taking stock of the global land rush: Few development benefits, many human and environmental risks (Land Matrix Analytical Report III)
21 September Smriti Sharma, Newcastle University and Saurabh Singhal, Lancaster University Management School
Inequality, institutions, and their impacts on social cooperation
15 September Mazhar Waseem
Long-run impacts of in-utero Ramadan exposure: evidence from administrative tax records



22 January Bereket Kebede, School of International Development
Endowment Effects and Gender in the Efficiency and Equity of Team Allocation
23 January Neil Ruiz, Pew Research Center
Demographic Trends and Attitudes towards Migration Globally 
29 January  Emma Nkonoki, Fingo 
Inclusive innovation ecosystems - why we need NGOs to ensure that 'no one is left behind'
05 February Sushanta Mallick, Queen Mary University
Is financial inclusion good for banks?
12 February Saurabh Singhal, Lancaster University
Inequality, corruption and cooperation
27 February Markus Jäntti, Stockholm University
Income distribution in Uganda – a tax register-based assessment
04 March Osman Ouattara, University of Manchester
Temperature shocks and Inflation: are there any ramifications?
11 March Marijke Verpoorten, University of Antwerp
Would you fight? We asked aggrieved artisanal miners in Eastern Congo 
12 March Jeffrey Hammer, Princeton University
One hundred homes - a visual survey of wealth and poverty in India
18 March Marcela Ibanez, University of Göttingen
The intrinsic value of decision making: Evidence from a bargaining experiment in Egypt
20 April Rajeev Goel, Illinois State University
Corruption beyond the glass ceiling: do women entrepreneurs perceive corruption differently?
29 April Andrea Vaccaro | UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Comparing cross-national measures of state capacity
28 May Rajesh Raj Seethamma Natarajan, UNU-WIDER Visiting Scholar 
Are informal jobs the pathway to formal jobs? Evidence from India
10 June Svetlana Ledyaeva, Aalto University
Trade diversion effects of China’s VAT export rebates
22 & 24 June WIDER PHD Fellows - Distance programme
2019 – spring

23 January Maurizio Bussolo, World Bank
Towards a new social contract – taking on distributional tensions in Europe and Central Asia
06 February Costanza Biavaschi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Taking the skill bias out of global migration
20 February Ashwini Deshpande, Ashoka University, India
Choice, constraints and cultural norms: understanding factors underlying women's labour force participation
27 February Dilip Mookherjee, Boston University
Decentralized targeting of agricultural credit in West Bengal: private vs. political intermediaries
13 March Michael Woolcock, World Bank
Lant Pritchett, Harvard University
Building state capability: evidence, analysis, action
20 March Margaret McMillan, Tufts University  
Structural change and labor productivity in sub-Saharan Africa
22 March James Robinson, University of Chicago
Business and fragility in Africa – solution or problem?
27 March Sandra Halvorsen, PhD candidate at the Norwegian School of Economics
Factory employment and fertility decisions: Field experimental evidence from Ethiopia
03 April Vegard Iversen, The University of Manchester  
Employee referral, social proximity and worker discipline: theory and suggestive evidence from India
10 April Maureen Were, UNU-WIDER
Is export-led growth a mirage? The case of Kenya
17 April Saidou Abdoulaye Sy, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Measuring energy poverty in Senegal: A new multidimensional energy poverty index focusing on fuzzy sets approach
17 April
Opeyemi Akinyemi, Covenant University, Nigeria
Green energy and green growth strategy for the sustainable development of sub-Saharan Africa
08 May Aimable Nsabimana, University of Rwanda 
Weathering shocks: the effects of weather shocks on farm input use in sub-Saharan Africa
10 May Ritwik Banerjee, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore 
The link between corruption and tax evasion - an experimental investigation
15 May Ebaidalla Mahjoub Ahmed, University of Khartoum
Understanding inequality of opportunity in child health in Sudan
22 May Vito Peragine, University of Bari
Measuring inequality of opportunity: recent empirical findings and some new theoretical results
29 May Khoa Vu, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
The causal relationship between parental and children's educational attainment: Evidence from Vietnam
04 June Patricia Funjika, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Colonial Origin, Ethnicity and Intergenerational Mobility in Africa
04 June Shreshti Rawat, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Inequality of opportunity: informal sector estimates for India and policy implications
12 June Amina Ebrahim, UNU-WIDER
Can a wage subsidy system help reduce 50 per cent youth unemployment? Evidence from South Africa
19 June
Charles Gore, UNU-WIDER
Inequality Reduction as a Global Goal: The Nature and Logic of SDG 10
26 June Sanjay Reddy, recent member of the Independent High-level Team of Advisers to ECOSOC​
The UN’s Development Function: Time for Renewal
2019 – autumn

28 August Olivier Bargain, University of Bordeaux
Intra-household allocation and individual poverty
18 September Simone Bertoli, CERDI University of Auvergne
Co-residence patterns of the individuals left behind by the migrants and their analytical implications: evidence from Mexico 
23 September Jambo Hamisi Ramadhani, UONGOZI Institute
Enhancing socio-economic benefits of the mining industry in Tanzania: ten key priorities
25 September  François Roubaud, DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation) 
The informal economy in developing countries: measurement issues and economic challenges
09 October Mazhar Waseem, University of Manchester
Pecuniary and non-pecuniary motivations for tax compliance: evidence from Pakistan
10 October  Inmaculada Martinez Zarzoso, University of Göttingen
Gender gap and firm performance in developing countries
16 October Jakob Svensson, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University
The low quality trap: evidence from the market for maize in Uganda
23 October Oded Stark, Universities of Bonn and Warsaw
Repercussions of negatively selective migration for the behavior of non-migrants when
preferences are social
28 October Rekha Ravindran, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
The relationship between structural transformation and income inequality in developing economies

Thanh Bui, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
The intergenerational persistence of human capital in Vietnam
06 November Mehwish Ghulan Ali, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Do son preferences cause a gap between desired and actual fertility in Pakistan?

Rugazia Nyombi, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Rural economy diversification and its effects on food security of households in Tanzania

Alysson Portella, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow 
Racial social norms and education: “whitening” ideology and students’ performance in Brazil
08 November Ravi Pendakur, University of Ottawa
The impact of federal modern agreements on income inequality in Indigenous communities
13 November Stephane Straub, Toulouse School of Economics
Voting corrupt politicians out of office? Evidence from a survey experiment in Paraguay
20 November WeiWei Chen, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
The political economy of Chinese private investment in Ethiopia: a case study of Eastern Industry Park

Joshua Magero Otieno, UNU-WIDER PhD Fellow
Ethnicity, politics and wellbeing in Kenya
04 December   Fantu Cheru, School of International Service, American University and Christopher Cramer, SOAS, University of London
The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian economy
11 December  Mariapia Mendola, University of Milano-Bicocca
Agricultural transformation and farmers' expectations 
18 December Erwin Bulte, Wageningen University
Participatory resource management, elite capture and local livelihoods


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