Journal Article
How do small firms respond to tax schedule discontinuities?Part of Journal Special Issue Public economics and development action
Economies in the Southern Africa region face thorny challenges when it comes to the transformation of their economies and the need for job creation and the sharing of the benefits of growth. This project aims to develop, in conjunction with important research/policy institutions in the region, regional growth and development initiatives that generate economic transformation and widely shared development benefits.
The project focuses on two principal elements: (i) firm-level analysis with initial focus on South Africa and (ii) regional growth and development with particular focus, at least initially, on two identified opportunities: agricultural trade including bioenergy and leveraging natural resource investments for inclusive growth.
Channing Arndt, Senior Research Fellow of UNU-WIDER, outlines the main research areas for this project on economic growth in the Southern African region. The project has two main elements – one specifically on the South African economy; the second on the wider SADC region.
Focal point: Channing Arndt
Research fellow: John Rand, Carol Newman, Laurence Harris
Assistant: Anne Ruohonen
Communications: Annett Victorero
Core contributors: Rob Davies, Dirk van Seventer
Regional growth and development opportunities
Biofuel growth opportunities in Southern Africa
Firm and industry level analysis in South Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Public economics and development action
We consider the interplay of climate change impacts, global mitigation policies, and the economic interests of developing countries to 2050. Focusing on Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia, we employ a structural approach to biophysical and economic...
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
Part of Journal Special Issue Bioenergy in Southern Africa
This journal special issue revisits questions surrounding biofuel futures in Southern Africa and explores the case for the establishment of a regional market. The analysis in this issue suggests that while benefits exist, the key challenges that have...
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
Part of Journal Special Issue Regional Growth Opportunities
This issue contains seven articles addressing the major changes underway in the integration of economies in southern Africa. This special issue is based on the UNU-WIDER project 'Regional growth and development in Southern Africa'. This project aims...
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
Part of Journal Special Issue Firm level analysis using administrative record data
This special issue focuses on a collaborative effort between the National Treasury and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to employ administrative record data from SARS for economic policy analysis. It contains six research articles plus a...
The Republic of South Africa faces the imperative of escaping economic stagnation. This paper seeks to synthesize results from a series of research efforts, including but not limited to the work conducted under the UNU-WIDER project on ‘Regional...
We investigate the relationship between the corporate income tax burden and firm size in South Africa using a panel dataset from companies’ tax returns. We find that medium-sized companies are experiencing the lowest effective tax rate, while the...
At the core of efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals lies a commitment to enhance domestic revenue mobilization. Strengthening capacity to...
Traditionally, much of the research on economic growth drivers has been focused on small and medium enterprises. In recent years the academic focus on small businesses has shifted to a particular group of firms that are interesting from an economic...
Southern African countries’ interest in biofuel is due of its rural development potential. Finding models to optimize this benefit is therefore paramount. High-energy-density crops with low perishability allow farmers to grow small quantities on...
This paper highlights the key strategies, both regional and domestic, that have led to the current structure of the poultry value chain in Southern Africa. While large firm strategies in poultry have been found to be regional in nature, and important...
This paper assesses biofuels technology readiness and provides foresight to biofuels development in Southern Africa. Efficient conversion pathways, coupled with biomass from waste or high-yielding energy crops, reduces both the costs of biofuels...
The Southern African region, from a purely biophysical perspective, has huge potential for biofuel production, especially in Mozambique and Zambia. Although many of the soils are sandy and acidic, with careful management and correct fertilization...
Policymakers often work in the dark, as they try to make real impact on people’s lives. If you don’t have good data, being worked on by good...
In 2016 the South African poultry sector faced intense pressure from two sides in the form of much higher input costs and increased imports of low...
South Africa has some of the highest rates of joblessness in the world and youth unemployment is particularly severe. Roughly two in five young South...
World biofuel production has been increasing to improve energy security and mitigate global warming. Southern Africa’s bioenergy demand could increase with South Africa’s planned fuel blending mandates, triggering increased demand for feedstocks and...
Rapid population growth, urbanization, and income growth are triggering increased demand for high-value agricultural products across Southern Africa with scope for gains from trade and regional integration. We analyse the animal feed to poultry value...
The last two decades have seen rapid economic growth in Zambia and the proliferation of foreign supermarket chain stores. However, this growth has translated into neither significant job creation nor significant poverty reduction. Furthermore, while...
Given likely increases in biofuel demand across Southern Africa, we identify suitable production models in Zambia for the Southern African market. This is crucial given, on the one hand, the problems of contract failure and transaction costs that...
Theme: Past, 2014-15