Working Paper
The Structural Anatomy and Institutional Architecture of Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
The distinct features of inclusive growth within the context of sub-Saharan Africa are identified. The anatomy of growth is analysed by exploring the interrelationship among growth, inequality, and poverty. The present growth spell appears to have...
Quantitative methods for applied economic analysis
Tue, 27 September 2016
Fri, 30 September 2016
Eduardo Mondlane University,
Past event
UNU-WIDER International Development Conference in collaboration with the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM): Institutional Reforms for Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability
Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and environmental sustainability are core 21st century development challenges in both low- and middle-income countries. Every country has its own institutional history with an evolving balance between the...
Sun, 29 June 2014
Mon, 30 June 2014
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Đình Phùng, Quận Ba Đình,
Past event
Policy seminar
Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Vietnam: A Rising Dragon on the Move
Wed, 5 August 2015
Central Institute for Economic Management, Main Hall,
68 Phan Dinh Phung Str. Ba Dinh,
Past event
Multidimensional Child Poverty Assessment Methodology
The ‘Multidimensional Child Poverty Assessment Methodology’ seminar was held in Maputo on 8 July 2015. It was part of the UNU-WIDER Research Programme theme of Transformation organized in partnership with the Ministry of Economics and Finance of...
Wed, 8 July 2015
University Eduardo Mondlane,
Avenida do Zimbábwe,
Past event
Analysing poverty
The Analysing Poverty workshop was held in Maputo, 6-10 July 2015. The workshop is part of the UNU-WIDER Research Programme theme of Transfromation, in co-operation with Ministry of Economics and Finance of Mozambique, the University Eduardo Mondlane...
Mon, 6 July 2015
Fri, 10 July 2015
University Eduardo Mondlane,
Avenida do Zimbábwe,
Past event
Policy workshop
Policy workshop on Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS)
On 19 May UNU-WIDER and the University of Copenhagen held a policy workshop on the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) in partnership with the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) in Hanoi as part of the ongoing...
Tue, 19 May 2015
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Đình Phùng, Quận Ba Đình,
Past event
In the media
The Stockholm Statement gets mentioned in The Guardian
Former World Bank Chief Economist, Kaushik Basu, recently gave a public lecture on the 'Challenges for the global economy: the great recession and the fault lines' at the Monash Business School in Melbourne, Australia.
Inclusive growth in Mozambique seminar series
The Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme is launching its seminar series for 2019. The seminar series showcases ongoing research on topics related to the work of the programme and its aim of supporting inclusive growth in Mozambique. The seminar...
Public Forum on extractive industry and development
The Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme will host a public forum on 26 March 2019 on the topic of Extractive Industry and Development. The Chief Economist and Deputy Director of UNU-WIDER Tony Addison will give a presentation based on a major...
Tue, 26 March 2019
Complexo Pedagógico, Room 1501, Main Campus, Eduardo Mondlane University,
Past event
Nordic-Baltic multilateral development banks meeting
The opening was chaired by Ms Anne Sipiläinen, Under Secretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland. In the session presented by UNU-WIDER Chief Economist and Deputy Director Tony Addison and Research Fellow Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, the...
Wed, 25 January 2012
Thu, 26 January 2012
House of Estates,
Snellmaninkatu 9-11,
Past event
Elections and the African electoral system — challenges and perspectives for Mozambique
On 15 October 2020, Professor A. Hama Thay, researcher at the University of Eduardo Mondlane, will discuss his latest research on elections and African electoral system.
Thu, 15 October 2020
Past event
Decentralization reforms in Mozambique – the role of institutions in the definition of results
On 11 November 2020, Salvador Forquilha, Director and Senior researcher at IESE, will discuss his research.
Wed, 11 November 2020
Hotel Montebelo Girassol,
Av. Patrice Lumumba,
Past event
The education sector in Mozambique – from access to epistemic quality in primary education
On 18 November 2020, Mouzinho Mário, Professor at the University of Eduardo Mondlane, will discuss his research on access and epistemic quality of primary education in Mozambique.
Wed, 18 November 2020
Hotel Montebelo Girassol,
Av. Patrice Lumumba,
Past event
Natural resources, institutions, and economic transformation in Mozambique
On 25 November 2020, José Jaime Macuane and Carlos Muianga will discuss their research on the institutional dynamics of the resources sector in Mozambique.
Wed, 25 November 2020
Hotel Montebelo Girassol,
Av. Patrice Lumumba,
Past event
Rule of law and judicial independence in Mozambique
On 2 December 2020, Dr João Carlos Trindade, retired judicial magistrate and current chair of the governing board of the non-governmental organization Centro Terra Viva, will discuss his research on the rule of law and judicial independence in...
Wed, 2 December 2020
Hotel Montebelo Girassol,
Av. Patrice Lumumba,
Past event
Working Paper
Structural transformation, inequality dynamics, and inclusive growth in Bangladesh
The Bangladesh economy has undergone significant structural changes over the last four decades. The share of agriculture in GDP has declined, while the significance of industry and service sectors has increased. These structural changes have been...
Working Paper
Benign growth
Between 1981 and 2017, real gross domestic product in Thailand grew at an average annual rate of 5.7 per cent. Agricultural output grew more slowly than industry or services, and its gross domestic product share consequently declined. Industry’s...
Working Paper
Structural transformation, inequality, and inclusive growth in South Africa
This paper evaluates structural change, inequality dynamics, and industrial policy in South Africa between 1960 and the present day. We find that South Africa experienced growth-enhancing structural transformation until the early 1970s, before...
Working Paper
Inclusive growth without structural transformation?
Through rapid urbanization, Brazil—previously a country where most workers were in the agricultural sector—went through a strong process of structural transformation that lasted almost four decades until economic liberalization at the beginning of...
How institutions matter in Mozambique
Launched in 2015 and completed in 2022, the Institutional Diagnostic Project aimed at identifying institutional factors that affect development...
Mozambique at a Fork in the Road
Few countries have experienced as many political and economic changes as Mozambique. A vast and diverse country, it faced a particularly difficult start after a long period of colonial dominance followed by a deadly war that formally ended only in...
Working Paper
Structural transformation and inclusive growth
We focus on special characteristics of the manufacturing sector, in terms of employment generation and productivity growth, that enable the rapid, resilient economic catch-up of developing countries. We consider the ‘developer’s dilemma’ and the...
Working Paper
Structural transformation and inclusive growth in Ghana
This study examines the structural transformation–inclusive growth nexus for Ghana. The data cover the post-independence period for Ghana and are phased into three periods: the post-independence period to the start of the economic recovery programme...
Global tax reforms, net-zero, and domestic revenue: Food for thought from the DRM programme
Abrams M.E. Tagem
December 2022
Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) and taxation have gained prominence lately on the global agenda, most recently with the resolution for the United...
Evidence matters for inclusive growth policy: Reflections from the annual conference of the Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme
Gimelgo Xirinda
December 2020
Like many developing countries, Mozambique is struggling with problems of poverty, inequality, low productivity, unemployment, and low institutional...