Aid, growth, poverty and the global context
Presentation on i) aid, growth and development: what do we know?; (ii) poverty and human development; (iii) the changing global context; and (iv) Conclusions: a post 2015 perspective. Based on UNU-WIDER's research on foreign aid (ReCom) and to...
Tue, 25 March 2014
JICA Research Institute,
Past event
Measuring Inequality in the 21st Century
The Human Development Report Office, LIS, the Stone Center at the City University of New York (CUNY), UNU-WIDER and the World Inequality Lab will host a symposium on Measuring Inequality in the 21st Century. The 2-day event will be held 28-29 March...
Thu, 28 March 2019
Fri, 29 March 2019
United Nations Headquarters ,
New York,
United States
Past event
Working Paper
Structural change and the National Initiative for Human Development in Morocco
This paper aims to revisit the pace and patterns of structural change in Morocco with a renewed perspective focusing on subnational trends to document the macro patterns. In that perspective, we first build a within-country sectoral longitudinal...
Working Paper
Inequality and human development
In this paper we reassess the relationship between inequality and human development, focusing on the differential effect associated with the concentration of national income at different parts of the income distribution. To do so, we rely on a large...
Policy Brief
Six sets of policy actions to promote social mobility
Promoting social mobility is an essential task of development, and a multi-faceted one. Precarious livelihoods are widespread. Containing downward mobility is an important precondition for sustaining upward mobility. Policies of human capital...
Working Paper
This study takes as its starting point what Gunnar Myrdal had to say about Vietnam in the context of his seminal work, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, published in 1968. Myrdal pointed to the decisive nature of the Vietnamese...
Journal Article
Concentration of income and human development: the role of the middle class
In this article, we reassess the relationship between inequality and human development, focusing on the differential role of concentration of income at different parts of the distribution. To do so, we rely on a large global panel of countries over...
Working Paper
Socio-economic development in South Asia
The story of South Asia is a topsy-turvy one. Soon after independence from British rule, the region seemed to have a much better prospect than many other parts of the Third World; the prospects soon dimmed, however, as South Asia crawled while East...
Journal Article
Does social spending improve welfare in low- and middle-income countries?
Over the past two decades, there has been unprecedented attention to the promotion of human development via government spending in the social sectors as a conditio sine qua non for economic growth and improved aggregate welfare. Yet the existing...
Panel discussion
Development success: Strategies and lessons from more advanced countries and the developing world
Video: panel discussion which took place on Monday 18 March 2013 in Oxford: What lessons can be learnt from developed countries that might be useful for developing and emerging economies? With an emphasis on long...
Mon, 18 March 2013
Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre, St. Catherine’s College,
Manor Road,
United Kingdom
Past event
Contribution to a Special issue Celebrating Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen's 75th Birthday
A new paper by Wim Naudé entitled 'Entrepreneurship and Human Development: A Capability Approach', has been included in a recent special issue of the Journal of Public Economics (Vol. 95 (3-4), celebrating Amartya Sen's 75th birthday.