Assessment of potential distributional impacts of four development programmes in Benin, Djibouti-Ethiopia, Uganda, and Viet Nam
Theme: Transforming economies
How much do development programmes contribute to the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goal to reduce inequalities by 2030? This project makes a vital contribution to monitoring progress towards SDG10 specifically, by assessing the...
Development programmes must capture local insights
Ana Horigoshi, Samantha Custer
June 2023
In the paper 'Aid reimagined: results from an elite survey on perceptions of progress, capacity, and development co-operation', we tabulated responses...
Securing a future for the next generations – navigating today’s global challenges
Frederik Matthys
May 2024
In an era frequently described as ‘unprecedented’, the global landscape often seems daunting. Countries classified as democracies are increasingly...
Journal Article
Do the principles of effective development co-operation improve development outcomes?
Elaborated in their current form in Busan in 2011, and reiterated in Geneva in 2022, the four Principles of Effective Development Co-operation comprise country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships, and transparency and mutual...
Unpacking 'country ownership': four messages from the field
Debapriya Bhattacharya, Towfiqul Islam Khan, Najeeba Mohammed Altaf
2023 November
The new and improved Global Partnership monitoring framework for effective development co-operation, launched in 2022, is now fully in motion, with...
New estimates of the cost of ending poverty: What does it mean and how much would it cost?
In a new UNU-WIDER paper, which provides background for this year’s OECD Development Cooperation Report, we take a closer look at the end of poverty...
Is poverty really declining again? What falling poverty doesn’t tell us
Göran Holmqvist
January 2025
After a temporary increase in 2020 due to COVID-19, global extreme income poverty is reportedly falling again, according to World Bank estimates...
Working Paper
Do the effectiveness principles matter for development?
The Principles of Effective Development Co-operation provide an important reference point for foreign aid and international development assistance. Although the principles—country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships, and transparency...
Working Paper
Aid reimagined: results from an elite survey on perceptions of progress, capacity, and development cooperation
Development effectiveness is an ever-growing concern for development partners. Particularly in a world of increasing budget constraints and trade-offs, it is crucial for development partners to maximize the results of any development intervention...
Working Paper
India’s development cooperation in Africa
This paper examines multiple facets of New Delhi’s development cooperation with countries in Africa and argues that grassroots organizations in India that find innovative, low-cost technological solutions to developmental challenges can help...
What is next for development effectiveness in a post-aid world?
Nilima Gulrajani
December 2022
Improving the effectiveness of global development spending may seem like a fool's errand given the state of the world today. Yet this is precisely the...
Report on aid and social protection systems in the Global South shared with Swedish development agency
Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER, Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, is invited to speak and share results at a half-day workshop on 'Social protection in the Global South: evidence, sustainability, climate change and migration, and the role of aid...
Thu, 21 September 2023
Sida, rm. Höga Kusten,
Sundbyberg, Rissneleden 10,
Past event
Working Paper
Unpacking ‘ownership’ in development co-operation effectiveness
‘Country ownership’ continues to grow more as an idealized requirement than an operational concept for effective development co-operation. Provider countries often shy away from taking onboard recipient countries’ development priorities, public...