Working Paper
Aid targeting to fragile and conflict-affected states and implications for aid effectiveness
While significant amounts of foreign aid have been allocated to the group of so-called fragile and conflict-affected states in recent years, it is not clear whether that aid is targeted to where it is most needed. This paper extends recent work by...
Project workshop
Deals and Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected States
On 24-25 February 2021, UNU-WIDER and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) will hold a policy innovation lab titled Deals and Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS).
Wed, 24 February 2021
Thu, 25 February 2021
Past event
Parallel session
Fragile states and conflict
Fragile states pose continuing challenges for development and peacebuilding, and fragility is a major hurdle in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Considerable international resources are directed to fragile states, but with...
Working Paper
Assessing Vulnerability Before, During and After a Natural Disaster in Fragile Regions
Current approaches of measuring vulnerability to natural hazards generally use a rather static perspective that focuses on a single point in time—often before a hazardous event occurs. In contrast, the paper argues that vulnerability assessment...
Common factors in conflict-induced state fragility
Lual A. Deng
December 2016
What does it mean to be a fragile state? According to the IMF, fragile states are those in ‘which the government is unable to reliably deliver basic...
Fragile Development 2015-2030: Understanding how insecurity and poor governance will affect sustainable development
On 19th June UNU-WIDER Non-Resident Research Fellow Roger Williamson, participated in a panel entitled “Fragile Development 2015-2030: Understanding how insecurity and poor governance will affect sustainable development”. The panel was organized by...
Fri, 19 June 2015
Guoman Tower Hotel,
St Katharine's Way,
United Kingdom
Past event
Research Brief
Neotrusteeship in Post-Conflict States – Lessons from Kosovo and East Timor
Kosovo and East Timor share many similar characteristics, and yet they have had divergent results in post-conflict state building. East Timor has enjoyed far greater development success since its independence, whereas Kosovo is now the poorest and...
MEDIA ADVISORY: International conference gathers conflict experts in Helsinki
Next week a high-level conference on peacebuilding and conflict brings more than 250 experts to Helsinki to discuss new research and current policy challenges in preventing and resolving conflicts and sustaining peace across the world. The two-day conference is organised by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER).
Tax & conflict workshop and roundtable – pathways to statebuilding
Thu, 27 March 2025 08:30
Fri, 28 March 2025 16:00
Scandic Marina Congress Center, pressroom,
Katajanokanlaituri 6,
Parallel session
Aid, peace, and fragile states
Although considerable international resources have been devoted to state-building and institutional strengthening in fragile and conflict-affected states, results have been generally mixed. Why and how have some states transitioned successfully from...
UNU-WIDER at the Fragile Lives 2024 conference
Households in Conflict Network celebrates its 20th anniversary during the conference Fragile Lives 2024 on 1–2 October in Berlin. UNU-WIDER Deputy Director Patricia Justino, one of the founders and directors of the network, hosts a keynote panel at...
Tue, 1 October 2024
Wed, 2 October 2024
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Unter den Linden 6,
Past event
Panel discussion
How to get inclusive growth started in fragile contexts
Wed, 9 June 2021
Past event
Speakers - How to get inclusive growth started in fragile contexts?
Panel Chair Patricia Justino is a Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER and Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK (on leave). She is a leading expert on political violence and development, and the co-founder...
Fragile states: Causes, costs, and responses
Overcoming state fragility is one of the most important international development objectives of the 21st century. Many fragile states have turned into failed states, where millions of people are caught in deprivation and seemingly hopeless conditions...
Mon, 19 March 2012
St Catherine's College,
Manor Road,
United Kingdom
Past event
Fragile states: Causes, costs, and responses
Presenter Amelia U. Santos-Paulino, UNCTAD Chair Gordon Alexander, UNICEF Office of Research Discussant Gerárd Roland, University of California Overcoming state fragility is one of the most important international development objectives of the 21st...
Wed, 14 March 2012
Istituto degli Innocenti ,
Piazza della Santissima,
Past event
The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts
Mon, 16 May 2022
Tue, 17 May 2022
Scandic Marina Congress Center,
Katajanokanlaituri 6,
Past event
From conflict preventor to security actor: European Peace Facility, Ukraine, and the evolution of EU’s role
Katariina Mustasilta, Tyyne Karjalainen
March 2022
Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine has catalysed the European Union (EU) — criticised as a paper tiger yet acknowledged to evolve through crises —...
Poster session: The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts
In collaboration with the Conflict Research Network – West Africa (CORN West Africa), this conference poster session is focused on 'overcoming the barriers towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 in Africa'. This collaboration...
Parallel session
Peace and conflict
While the pandemic has presented undeniable challenges to public health and the global economy, we still have limited understanding of its political implications. How has the pandemic, and its related policy response, affected violence, rebellion...
Working Paper
State-Building Through Neotrusteeship
Why do some states, with foreign assistance, transition from ‘fragile’ to ‘robust?’ Scholars in state-building have argued that neotrusteeship is an effective strategy by which external organizations might build post-conflict states. This working...
Working Paper
Understanding Somalia’s social contract and state-building efforts
Building on a World Bank regional study in Africa aiming at measuring social contracts concepts and within the framework of reflecting on future donor interventions, this paper applies social contracts measurement and complements with qualitative...
Working Paper
New estimates of the cost of ending poverty and its global distribution
This paper makes new estimates of the cost of ending poverty and the global distribution of both the cost and poverty itself. First, the paper discusses definitions of ‘ending’ poverty, arguing that there is an overemphasis (e.g. SDG 1) on the...
Is poverty really declining again? What falling poverty doesn’t tell us
Göran Holmqvist
January 2025
After a temporary increase in 2020 due to COVID-19, global extreme income poverty is reportedly falling again, according to World Bank estimates...
New estimates of the cost of ending poverty: What does it mean and how much would it cost?
In a new UNU-WIDER paper, which provides background for this year’s OECD Development Cooperation Report, we take a closer look at the end of poverty...
UNDP and Oxford Policy Management present findings from upcoming report
Wed, 5 June 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Kunal Sen presenting at Centre for Development and the Environment
Kunal Sen gives a presentation on 7 October 2021 at 2.15-4.15pm at the Centre for Development and the Environemnt, University of Oslo. The topic is his presentation is "How to Get Inclusive Growth Started in Fragile Contexts?". His talk is based on a...
Thu, 7 October 2021
Arne Næss, Centre for Development and the Environment,
Sandakerveien 130,
Past event