UNU-WIDER at the 2023 Nordic Conference in Development Economics
The NCDE 2023 conference serves as a meeting point for development economists active in the Nordic countries, but is also targeted more generally to academic researchers in Europe and beyond with a special aim to provide an arena for junior scholars to present their work.
UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Kalle Hirvonen will present on the topic 'Do ultra-poor graduation programs promote resilience against droughts? Evidence from rural Ethiopia’.
Research Associate Maria Jouste presents ‘Tax optimization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Uganda’ and Research Associate Rahul Lahoti shares insights on ‘Does it matter who you ask for time-use data?’
Data Developer Michael Kilumelume presents ‘Exploring horizontal FDI spillovers in South Africa’s manufacturing sector: A firm-level study’.
The presentations share insights and findings from our Domestic Revenue Mobilization programme, World Income Inequality Database (WIID), and Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) programme.
For more information on the event, visit the Nordic Conference in Development Economics website.