Viet Nam data

Viet Nam’s contemporary similarities to a large number of developing countries make its experiences highly relevant for many regional and extra-regional stakeholders.

On this page you will find in-depth and high quality reports on firm-level competitiveness and technology, Small and Medium Enterprises data, Viet Nam Access to Resources Household Survey data, and the Social Accounting Matrices for Viet Nam.

This open access data and information can be used for research and to inform policy-formulation for broad-based, inclusive, and sustained growth.

VARHS 2008-16 panel data

This new panel data set for 2008-2016 contains the required replication files for the recent journal special issue in Food Policy.  Further information on the VARHS can be found in the special issue and on the book 'Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam: a Rising Dragon on the Move'.


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Data and questionnaires

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Viet Nam TCS

Firm-level competitiveness and technology in Viet Nam

The Vietnam Technology and Competitiveness Survey (TCS) is a part of the GSO Vietnam Enterprise Survey (VES) that focuses on enterprise innovation and technology.  The questions about innovation and technology are administered to a subset of firms surveyed in VES. While VES provides general information about firm characteristics, financial accounts, production and output, the TCS collects firm-level data on topics ranging from corporate social responsibility to technology, investment and innovation.


Firm-Level Technology and Competitiveness in Vietnam: Evidence from 2010-2014 surveys
Firm-level Competitiveness and Technology in Vietnam: Evidence From a Survey in 2011
Firm-level Competitiveness and Technology in Vietnam (in Vietnamese): Evidence From a Survey in 2011
Firm-level Competitiveness and Technology in Vietnam (in Vietnamese): Evidence From a Survey in 2012
Firm-Level Technology and Competitiveness in Vietnam: Evidence from a Survey in 2013

Data and questionnaires 2010 – 15

To access the TCS data please approach the general statistical office in Hanoi.

Viet Nam SME

Small and Medium Enterprises data

The Viet Nam Small and Medium Enterprises data track over 2500 enterprises from nine provinces over time.

The Viet Nam SME survey, collected biennially since 2005, is a collaborative effort of the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), the Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA), the Development Economics Research Group (DERG) at the University of Copenhagen, and UNU-WIDER. 

Access Viet Nam SME
VARHS used for a book published in 2017

Viet Nam Access to Resources Household Survey

VARHS has tracked Vietnamese households since 2006, providing deep insights into how they are coping as the country undergoes structural transformation. Viet Nam’s contemporary economic similarities to a large number of developing economies make its experience and policy recommendations based on analysis of macro- and microeconomic data relevant for many regional and extra-regional stakeholders and partners.

VARHS data was used for the Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam book. 

Access VARHS survey data used for the book

SAM Viet Nam

Social Accounting Matrices for Viet Nam

A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) is an economy-wide data set that captures flows and circulations of products and monetary flows, and reflects the process of initial income distribution and redistribution of industries and economic institutions of an economy in a certain year.

Access SAM Viet Nam