Photo by Safal Karki on Unsplash

Inequality over the life course

This project advances knowledge on what drives earnings inequalities in Global South countries by undertaking a deeper examination of their potential root causes. Measurable inequalities in labour market outcomes often stem from unequal access to public goods or nutrition, accumulation of systemic injustices, or several other factors related to people’s lifetime experiences—such as the neighborhoods people grow up in, their social networks, or even their mother’s relative access to prenatal healthcare.

The root causes and the persistence of inequalities across generations, especially in Global South countries, remain poorly understood and there is strong demand for clear answers to questions about which policies effectively break intergenerational poverty and inequality traps. This project aims to uncover the factors which lead to unequal outcomes across individuals and households within countries; identify which factors influence an individual’s opportunity for lifelong social and economic advancement and which factors improve national levels of intergenerational mobility; and consider which policies and public actions generate greater equality of outcomes, prevent the accrual of relative disadvantages, and provide fair redress for those suffering from relative disadvantage.

Key questions
  • What factors, including both pre-market conditions and labour market functioning, contribute to labour market inequality in Global South countries?
  • How do supply-side factors, such as enforcement of labour laws and vocational training, compare to demand-side factors, like the size of the formal sector, in explaining labour market disparities?
  • What insights do we have regarding gender differences in social mobility, particularly mother-daughter mobility compared to father-son mobility, in low- and middle-income countries?
  • What are the primary drivers of social mobility in the Global South, and why is enhancing intergenerational mobility more challenging in these contexts?
  • Can affirmative action programmes effectively address entrenched racial and ethnic disparities, leading to sustained economic and social progress across generations?
Watch this space

All the activities, publications, events, opportunities to engage, and other outputs of this project will be here!