What is research impact?

This page documents cases where we believe our research and communication activities have had an impact on the wider world of development. UNU-WIDER aims not only to create high-quality policy relevant research, but also to ensure that this research is shared with those who set the course of development policy. Our three core audiences, researchers, international development agencies, and national decision-makers, all rely on accurate and timely information to get their job done. We aim to provide that information in as many forms as possible, through events, the press, videos, social media, and our publications.

338 impact pages

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Global governance and sustainable development: revitalizing research to support multilateral solutions

UNU-WIDER is represented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations (ACUNS) by Rachel M. Gisselquist, where she will share research findings on addressing gender and group-based inequalities and multilateral efforts to...

Thu, 20 June 2024Sat, 22 June 2024
United Nations University – Tokyo, 5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Past event
From UNU-WIDER to the world: Journeys in development economics

‘What makes UNU-WIDER a unique place for researchers is the sense of community and the combination of academic rigour, policy relevance, and position...

UNU-WIDER launches a free online training course in tax-benefit microsimulation for Global South countries

In an innovative step toward democratizing access to advanced policy analysis tools, UNU-WIDER releases a comprehensive online training course on tax-benefit microsimulation modelling for policy analysis. The course teaches analysts and researchers...

Project workshop
Workshop on the MicroZAMOD update in Zambia

Members of the International Labour Organization, Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR), UNU-WIDER's SOUTHMOD team, and the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZAMSTATS) meet in Livingstone, Zambia to further develop Zambia's tax and...

Mon, 27 May 2024Thu, 30 May 2024
Protea Hotel, Livingstone, Zambia, Zambia
Past event
World Village Festival 2024 search image Courage and peace – UNU-WIDER at the World Village Festival 2024
Sat, 25 May 2024Sun, 26 May 2024
Suvilahti, Helsinki, Finland
Past event
Media advisory: How can we secure the future for generations to come? – experts from around the world gather in Maputo from 14–16 May 2024

The 2024 WIDER Development Conference The world at crossroads – securing the future generations, from 14–16 May 2024, in Maputo, Mozambique, explores the pressing global issues of climate change, conflict, and inequality and their impact on securing...

Bridging the gap: Unveiling the potential of Tanzania's SMEs through VAT insights

UNU-WIDER Research Fellow Amina Ebrahim speaks at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) in Bergen, Norway. She presents the findings of a forthcoming WIDER Working Paper to the research staff. Her findings support opportunities for expanding knowledge...

Mon, 29 April 2024
Bergen, Jekteviksbakken 31, Norway
Past event
UNU-WIDER research cited in major UN DESA and EU Tax Observatory reports

The 2023 Financing for Sustainable Development report and Global Tax Evasion Report 2024 include findings from UNU-WIDER research on illicit financial flows, structural transformation, and international monetary system. The 2024 Financing for Sustainable Development report highlights UNU-WIDER's Government Revenue Dataset (GRD) as a prominent source for revenue statistics.

In the media
Findings from recent research based on Ugandan administrative tax data gather visibility in the local media

Research insights and policy recommendations presented in an in-person workshop organised on 15 November 2023 in Kampala gathered visibility in several Ugandan news outlets.

New release of the World Income Inequality Database – new WIID version includes updates to the WIID Companion datasets

The UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database―widely known by its acronym WIID―provides the most comprehensive set of income inequality statistics available. It presents detailed information on income inequality for most countries and historical...

In the media
Stark estimates on eradication of poverty gain media interest

UNU-WIDER working paper on the progress towards eradication of poverty has been highlighted in several media.

Press release: Renowned speaker Dr. Arkebe Oqubay to deliver keynote address at academic and policy-relevant lecture on sustainable growth in African cities

Helsinki, Finland – The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and the African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) are proud to announce a prestigious lecture by Dr. Arkebe Oqubay, former Senior...

UNU Statement on the Israel–Gaza Crisis

The United Nations University echoes calls for international humanitarian law and human rights law to be respected and upheld.

Media advisory: How can sustainable development be financed in the Global South? Experts from around the world gather in Oslo 6-8 September

How can profit shifting—a bane on development efforts in the Global South—be stopped? What is the potential of social benefit systems to deliver during crises? How are collaborations between researchers and tax authorities benefiting policymaking in...

Breaking barriers, building economies: women in economic policy

August holds special significance in South Africa, marked by Women's Day on the 9th. It is a time to honour women's extraordinary courage and resilience in the struggle for equality and freedom. During this month, South Africa celebrates the...

UNU-WIDER releases major report on peace, decent work, and greater equality

UNU-WIDER’s 2019–2023 work programme has built a strong evidence base to support actions that contribute to more peaceful and effective states and more fair and sustainable societies. A synthesis report on the key findings of our work programme on...

UNU-WIDER shares findings at EADI/CEsA Conference in Lisbon
Mon, 10 July 2023Thu, 13 July 2023
Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Rua do Quelhas 6, 1200-781, Lisboa, Portugal
Past event
Aid effectiveness in fragile states

UNU-WIDER researchers offer a seminar on aid effectiveness in fragile states to an audience of Swedish development officials and foreign officers. The seminar is organized by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Tue, 23 May 2023
Online, Sweden
Past event
Building connections that matter: UNU-WIDER Visiting PhD and Scholar programmes

Every year about 20 visitors come to Helsinki to find a new home at UNU-WIDER in our Visiting Scholars and PhD Fellowship programmes. Although their...

Along the PhD path: A change in environment for a new perspective

After two years of COVID-19 restrictions, I was thrilled to receive an acceptance letter to UNU-WIDER's Visiting PhD Fellowship Programme. Until this...

Press Release: New research reveals close to $1 trillion in profits shifted to tax havens

A new research paper published by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) shows the first global estimates of profits shifted to tax havens between 1975-2019. The study documents a remarkable increase in profit shifting, with close to $1 trillion or 40% of multinational profits shifted to tax havens in 2019. Globally, 10% of corporate tax revenues are lost as a result.

UNU-WIDER alum Nanak Kakwani releases a new book on poverty and inequality

Professor Nanak Kakwani is one of UNU-WIDER's first research fellows. Joining the institute in 1986, he is the author of the second WIDER Working Paper ever published. The first is Food, Economics, and Entitlements by UNU-WIDER founder and Nobel...

Call for Contributions: GlobalDev and UNU-WIDER Blog series on social mobility

In the last decades, globalization and technological advancements have improved the living standards of billions of people, and enabled many households to cross the poverty line. Nonetheless, these trends have also exacerbated inequalities around the...

New update of the World Income Inequality Database and WIID Companion — version 30 June 2022

The UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database ― widely known by its acronym WIID ― provides the most comprehensive set of income inequality statistics available. It presents detailed information on income inequality for developed, developing, and...

In the media
UNU-WIDER experts and the WIDER Development Conference featured in the media

Kalle Hirvonen, Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER, was interviewed by YLE for a news article published on 10 March 2022 on the effects of the Ukraine war on global food security. ‘The war in Ukraine is causing a major supply shock to the world food market...

MEDIA ADVISORY: International conference gathers conflict experts in Helsinki

Next week a high-level conference on peacebuilding and conflict brings more than 250 experts to Helsinki to discuss new research and current policy challenges in preventing and resolving conflicts and sustaining peace across the world. The two-day conference is organised by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER).

Policy workshop
World Income Inequality Database project presents at the OECD's DAC Community of Practice on Poverty and Inequalities

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Community of Practice on Poverty and Inequalities (CoP-PI) hosts several thematic dialogues between researchers and practitioners on embedding...

Fri, 25 March 2022
Online, United States
Past event
Statement on the situation in Ukraine

UNU-WIDER stands with the people of Ukraine. The unprovoked and unacceptable Russian military offensive of Ukraine is in direct opposition to the UN Charter, and international humanitarian and human rights laws. UNU-WIDER strongly condemns the...

The new normal: My experience in an online cohort of visiting PhD Fellows

Everyone that has been engaged in a PhD experience agrees that the whole process is a tough and sometimes lonely challenge. However, the visiting PhD...

Dr Pia Rattenhuber on inequality in crises — an interview

How do crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic influence inequality and the other way around? This year’s UN Day Dresden put a spotlight on “Inequalities...

Pia Rattenhuber's keynote speech at UNU-FLORES United Nations Day 2021 commemorative event

United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and Resources (UNU-FLORES) organizes a commemorative event in Dresden on the occasion of the UN day 2021. The topic of the event is Inequalities in crises. UNU-WIDER...

Tue, 5 October 2021
Plenary Hall, City Hall, Dresden, Germany
Past event
I was a visiting PhD fellow at UNU-WIDER — this is my experience

Virgi Agita Sari joined UNU-WIDER as a visiting PhD fellow in the summer of 2017. Coming from Indonesia, Virgi joined five other fellows from across...

COVID-19 and the Global South — From crisis response to sustainable development

Around the world, the pandemic, and the measures taken to address it, have had far reaching effects on poverty, inequality, and governance. And even...

WIID – a main source to monitor progress on SDG10 in the Sustainable Development Outlook 2021

The World Income Inequality Database (WIID), hosted by UNU-WIDER, is cited in the Sustainable Development Outlook 2021: From Anguish to Determination as a main source of data on progress achieved worldwide towards reducing income inequality.

In the media
Several UNU-WIDER research projects featured in the media

Several projects from UNU-WIDER’s core work programme on Transforming economies, states, and societies are referenced in recent media. The citations of UNU-WIDER’s ongoing research demonstrate that the institute is a go-to source for new knowledge on...

Kunal Sen at the high-level LDC regional review meeting

UNU-WIDER director Kunal Sen has been invited to contribute as a panelist to the High-level Asia-Pacific Regional Review Meeting on the Istanbul Programme of Action in Preparation for the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-5). The regional review meeting will take place 30 August - 2 September 2021, in Geneva and virtually.

In the media
Ending the COVID-19 vaccine apartheid - WIDER webinar speaker interviewed for a Finnish development news portal

Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts and Jawaharlal Nehru University gave a presentation on vaccine inequality at the WIDER webinar series in June 2021, and was interviewed for an article published on the Finnish development news portal Maailma.net.

In the media
Media on the effect of COVID-19 to the extreme poor with data from UNU-WIDER

The global economy might be showing signs of recovering from the pandemic, but the impacts have been worst felt by the most vulnerable and recovery will be slow. In a feature story by local Finnish news service Yle, UNU-WIDER Director, Kunal Sen, was...

In the media
Development Today highlights new UNU-WIDER guidebook

UNU-WIDER policy guidebook 'Deals and development in fragile and conflict-affected states' published earlier this month has been featured in Development Today.

Ministry of Labour and Social Security launches IGM report on school-to-work transition of TVET students in Mozambique

On 24 June 2021, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Mozambique (MITSS) launched the final report of the survey on the School-to-Work Transition of Technical and Vocational Training Graduates in Mozambique. The report analyses the dynamics...

Three UNU-WIDER books in top five most accessed economics titles on Oxford Scholarship Online

According to a listing by Oxford University Press, three UNU-WIDER books are among its top five most visited economics titles during the past year (April 2020–March 2021).

UNU-WIDER experts in key role in global roundtable process on extractives

Over the past eight months, various heads of state, ministers, and other stakeholders from around the world have participated in a dialogue to discuss the pressing issues and the future of the extractives sector. UNU-WIDER researchers Tony Addison and Alan Roe have played a key role in the process, which culminated in a global roundtable led by the UN Secretary-General on 25 May 2021.

In the media
Child labour during pandemic - UNU-WIDER expert interviewed for a Finnish development news portal

UNU-WIDER Research Associate Milla Nyyssölä was interviewed for an article discussing the increase of child labour during corona pandemia. The article is published on a Finnish development news portal Maailma.net.

New updates to the World Income Inequality Database (WIID)

The UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database ― widely known by its acronym, WIID ― provides the most comprehensive set of income inequality statistics available. It presents detailed information on income inequality for developed, developing, and transition countries.

Kunal Sen invited to expert consultation with UNIDO on manufacturing responses to COVID-19

UNU-WIDER Director Kunal Sen was invited to contribute to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's (UNIDO) High-Level Expert Consultation (HLEC) which took place online on 18 May 2021. He joined eminent experts including Joseph E...

Rachel Gisselquist at Expert Group Meetings of the 2021 United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Rachel Gisselquist will attend Expert Group Meetings (EGMs) on 19–20 May 2021 in preparation for the 2021 United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. Rachel is a Senior Research Fellow and expert on inequality who will join the EGMs to help inform the thematic reviews for this year’s HLPF, which focuses on the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In the media
Report on the impact of COVID-19 to Ghana’s labour market hits headlines

A new report from the Transforming informal work and livelihoods project has caught the attention of policy makers and media in Ghana. Researchers from UNU-WIDER and the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of...

New release of the World Income Inequality Database — new WIID version includes companion datasets to improve study of global inequality

The UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database ― widely known by its acronym WIID ― provides the most comprehensive set of income inequality statistics available. It presents detailed information on income inequality for developed, developing, and transition countries. The latest version of the WIID can be downloaded here.

Online PhD Fellowship launching in April 2021

In 2021 the UNU-WIDER Visiting PhD Fellowship Programme will be delivered online. Applications will open on 1 April 2021 and close on 30 April. Details here. The programme gives registered doctoral students the opportunity to utilize the resources...

Press release: New study shows democracy aid works

Does development cooperation aimed at strengthening democracy work? A new study from the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) addresses critical knowledge gaps on aid assistance. The report, published today, is the most comprehensive study on democracy aid to date.

In the media
Finance, gender, and entrepreneurship in India — study findings highlighted by national media

In a new WIDER Working Paper Finance, gender, and entrepreneurship — India’s informal sector firms, researchers Ira N. Gang, Rajesh Raj Natarajan, and Kunal Sen find strong evidence of the crucial role played by financial access in promoting...

The WIID – an important source for the UN Economists Network report for the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations

New York, 17 September - The UN's top economists warned of crises of our own making if global 'megatrends' are left unchecked in a special report on six global megatrends. In a press release, UNDESA said, 'the chief economists in the United Nations...

35 years of research for change: Bringing inequality to the fore (1998-2020)

UNU-WIDER released the world’s first estimates of the global wealth distribution in 2007 – one result of a 2004–05 project, ‘Personal Assets from a...

In the media
Many workers in India’s informal sector in dead-end jobs – findings of new study featured in national news

In a new WIDER Working Paper Transitions between informal and formal jobs in India – patterns, correlates, and consequences, researchers from UNU-WIDER, Sikkim University, and the University of Manchester show that despite high economic growth over...

Why all countries should contribute to ending global poverty

In 1969, richer countries agreed to commit 0.7% of their gross national income to international development aid. The world has changed since then, and...

Kunal Sen is awardee of the 2020-22 V. K. R. V. Rao Chair at ISEC

Kunal Sen, our Director, has been awarded the prestigious Dr V K R V Rao Chair Professorship by the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC). The Chair is named after one of India’s most important economists, is awarded biennially to scholars...

An interview with José Antonio Ocampo: Why is 'Resetting the international monetary (non)system' one of the most popular economic titles at Oxford University Press?

The UNU-WIDER book ‘Resetting the International Monetary (Non)system’ by José Antonio Ocampo was recently ranked among the top ten economics books on...

Press release: Survey finds the manufacturing sector remains instrumental for Myanmar’s economic growth and transformation

YANGON, MYANMAR and HELSINKI, FINLAND – A new report published by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) and the United Nations World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) says that Myanmar’s manufacturing sector is more...

In the media
The cost of the pandemic to the poor – media on new research on impact of COVID-19 on global poverty

In a new paper, researchers from UNU-WIDER, Kings College London, and the Australian National University confirmed recent estimates on the shocking impact of COVID-19 on global poverty. They called on global leaders to take urgent action to avert a...

Press release: COVID-19 could drive global poverty back over one billion people as the world’s poorest face up to US$500 million per day in lost income

In dramatic new numbers researchers estimate that extreme poverty could spike as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, on the day the postponed meeting of the world’s richest nations, the G7, should have finished. The researchers are now calling for...

UNU-WIDER congratulates Deepak Nayyar on appointment to IDS board

Deepak Nayyar, long-time supporter of UNU-WIDER and former chair of the WIDER Board, has been appointed as chair of the Board of Trustees at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). Professor Nayyar has played a significant role in UNU-WIDER’s...

In the media
Poverty estimates featured in worldwide media

In a recent paper for UNU-WIDER, economists estimated that close to half a billion people could fall into poverty as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This would set back progress on ending poverty by at least a decade. In some countries...

Press Release: COVID-19 fallout could push half a billion people into poverty in developing countries

New research published by UNU-WIDER today warns that the economic fallout from the global pandemic could increase global poverty by as much as half a billion people, or 8% of the total human population. This would be the first time that poverty has increased globally in thirty years, since 1990.

Will COVID-19 lead to half a billion more people living in poverty in developing countries?

The impacts of COVID-19 in developing countries are starting to be felt. The Economist went as far as to call it the ‘next calamity’, noting how...

Working Paper
Estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on global poverty

In this paper we make estimates of the potential short-term economic impact of COVID-19 on global monetary poverty through contractions in per capita household income or consumption. Our estimates are based on three scenarios: low, medium, and high...

In the media
Researcher from Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme interviewed on COVID-19 impact in Mozambique

Sam Jones, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow, comments on possible socioeconomic effects of coronavirus in Mozambique to Zitamar News.

Study reveals mismatch between qualifications and market needs in Mozambique

Tracer study suggests Mozambique’s economy is not generating enough demand for employees with a university-level education, and that students are often poorly aware of career paths and what different jobs require. First published in November 2019, the study is now available in both English and Portuguese.

7555 km and beyond: Working together to achieve the SDGs

'It was great to have enough time to discuss each paper. I received useful and frank feedback. The topics are relevant for everyone. I noticed a...

Women and Girls in Science 2020 campaign

Video of Women in Science - With Simone SchotteOn 11 February the world celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. UNU-WIDER, along with other institutes across United Nations University, are taking this day of celebration a step...

From small beginnings, big impact

2020 marks the 35th year of UNU-WIDER’s impact in the sphere of development economics. Over the years, the institute has influenced the discourse...

Findings from a new study on poverty and consumption featured in the national news

A UNU-WIDER Working Paper ‘Simulating the effect on households’ real consumption and poverty of the increase in prices that followed the 2015–16 economic crisis in Mozambique’, published in 2018, has been featured in one the leading national newspapers in Mozambique.

Press release: Fixing Latin America’s social protection system

On the evening of 30 October, Santiago Levy, main architect of Progresa/Oportunidades — Mexico's incentive-based health, nutrition and education programme for the poor — will deliver the 23rd WIDER Annual Lecture.

Editor’s Choice Articles celebrating the EER 50th Anniversary includes UNU-WIDER research

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the European Economics Review (EER), making it one of the oldest general-interest economics journals in Europe. As part of the celebrations, the journal has announced two Editor’s Choice Articles and a selection of Most Cited Articles.

In the media
Asian Transformations hits media outlets throughout Asia

The recent release of the open access book Asian Transformations has been widely covered by media across Asia. An op-ed written by Deepak Nayyar, who edited the collection featuring the works of 21 experts, was picked up by media outlets across Asia...

In the media
Thai media attend WIDER Development Conference to discuss SDG8: inequality, and women’s empowerment

The Transforming economies – for better jobs conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand, 11-13 September, in partnership with United Nations ESCAP. The theme of the conference was SDG 8: promoting sustainable economic growth, productive employment and...

In the media
SA-TIED working paper featured in the Financial Mail

A recent working paper from the SA-TIED programme’s body of new research has been featured in the largest business weekly in South Africa. The Financial Mail’s feature is headlined: “Reserve Bank vindicated — the critics are wrong; the bank is no...

In the media
UNU-WIDER findings on the influence of female elected officials on economic performance continues to make headlines

Reporting on UNU-WIDER research published in the working paper ‘Women legislators and economic performance’, news outlets The Times of India, The Quint, The Diplomat, and more, have published articles discussing the impact of women’s participation in...

The Estonian School of Diplomacy and The UN Association of Tampere visit UNU-WIDER

During May UNU-WIDER was pleased to welcome visitors from the Estonian School of Diplomacy and The UN Association of Tampere.

Press release: Sustainable development goals at risk without effective climate action – UN organizations in Finland call on MPs and MEPs to make climate policy priority

A group of UN agencies working in Finland come together to remind newly elected members of parliament and members of European parliament who are elected next Sunday, of the importance of urgently addressing climate change through policy making....

In the media
National media coverage on public forum on extractives

The Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme organized a public forum on Extractive Industry and Development on 26 March 2019, in Maputo. The public forum explored the growing role and importance of oil and gas and mining in developing countries, as...

What should Mozambique do with the revenue from natural gas projects? (Part III)

At the beginning of this decade, large offshore natural gas fields were discovered in north-east Mozambique. Investment is now flowing into the...

What should Mozambique do with the revenue from natural gas projects? (Part II)

At the beginning of this decade, large offshore natural gas fields were discovered in north-east Mozambique. Investment is now flowing into the...

What should Mozambique do with the revenue from natural gas projects? (Part I)

At the beginning of this decade, large offshore natural gas fields were discovered in north-east Mozambique. Investment is now flowing into the...

Rachel Gisselquist presents in an expert group meeting on inequality

UNU-WIDER Senior Research Fellow Rachel Gisselquist will give a presentation at an expert group meeting ‘Reducing Inequalities: SDG 10 Progress and Prospects’, organized by the World Bank and UN DESA in Geneva 2-3 April. The event will look at...

Tue, 2 April 2019Wed, 3 April 2019
International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland
Past event
Policy seminar
Tony Addison presents at a high-level policy dialogue in Maputo
Wed, 27 March 2019Thu, 28 March 2019
The Bank of Mozambique , Maputo, Mozambique
Past event
Inclusive growth in Mozambique seminar series

The Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme is launching its seminar series for 2019. The seminar series showcases ongoing research on topics related to the work of the programme and its aim of supporting inclusive growth in Mozambique. The seminar...

Course on advanced poverty analysis

As part of the programme Inclusive Growth in Mozambique, researchers Vincenzo Salvucci and José Cardoso, will deliver a 5-day training course on advanced poverty analysis for officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique along with...

Mon, 4 March 2019Fri, 8 March 2019
University of Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique
Past event
In the media
Research on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in West Africa in the news

On 18 January, Wisdom Akpalu, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow based in Ghana, co-chaired a seminar organised by the University of Ghana’s Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS) on illicit trade in marine resources of West Africa. In the...

In the media
Researchers from the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme interviewed in Dimensions magazine

UNU-WIDER research fellow Vincenzo Salvucci, and Finório Castigo, a specialist from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique, were interviewed by Dimensions magazine on multidimensional poverty measurement. The article was published in...

Researchers from the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme contribute to the book Challenges of Mozambique 2018

The Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IESE) launched the ninth edition of the book Desafios para Moçambique 2018 (Challenges of Mozambique 2018) on 8 November 2018 in Maputo, Mozambique. The book has 18 chapters divided into four parts...

Director Kunal Sen contributes to blog on taxation in developing countries

The capability to raise revenues from taxes – often called fiscal capacity – is a crucial aspect for the functioning of every state, particularly in developing countries. They need higher revenues to invest in a number of economic and social areas...

Why are workers getting a smaller share of the cake in Mexico?

As with many other developed and emerging economies, in recent decades Mexico has experienced a long-term decline in the labour income share. In other...

Press release - Professor Kunal Sen starts as the director of UNU-WIDER

‘Economic transformation needs to be accompanied by political and social transformations if we are to see drastic increases in human wellbeing’

In the media
SA-TIED researcher interviewed on tax haven research

SA-TIED researcher, Ludvig Wier, has featured in multiple South African news outlets explaining new research findings from the programme. Wier was invited to speak to anchors from South Africa’s national news channels, SABC and eNCA. He was also...

In the media
UNU-WIDER Lessons on Development videos feature on VoxEU.org

Over the last decade, UNU-WIDER has produced over 2000 publications across a range of topics including poverty, inequality, economic transformation, development finance, climate change, gender and food security. In 2018 we produced a series of videos...

In the media
Events of the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme catch the attention of national media

The Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme ended the year with two major events that were reported by the local media in Mozambique. On 27 November our programme held its annual conference in Maputo. With both local and international speakers, the...

Transforming economies, states, and societies – building evidence for achieving the SDGs

I am delighted to take the helm at UNU-WIDER, an institution which has been associated with some of the most advanced thinking in development...

Displaying 176 of 338 results